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Entrance Club

The entrance club is another unique club activity in St. Joseph's H.S.S. It aims at familiarising the students to entrance examinations for medicine and engineering. In addition to their daily school assignments, pupil may not be able to concentrate suffitiently on preparing for the entrance examinations. Here, the entrance club provides helpful hands to the students by conducting model examinations every week. A pecularity of this is, the students are allowed to prepare questions for the examinations. The entrance club is formulated every year, including students aspiring for competative exams like SIET, AIEEE etc. Every week, one student is selected for preparing the questions. Objective are prepared and various versions are also prepared by the student. Moreover, the whole examination will be conducted in the responsibility of the student. Thus the entrance club becomes a self sustained system. Examinations are conducted on various topics in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and biology on a weekly basis. Question papers are set with easy, medium and hard level questions and examinations are conducted time bound. Thus the students are being exposed to various kinds of conceptual and application level questions. They will also be capable of enhancing their speed and accuracy. The marklist is prepared for each examination, as valued by the student conducting the test. The marks of students are made available to the parents. The entrance club serves a very positive role in familiarising the students with competative examinations and prepare them to face such high level tests. The active and sincere participation in the entrance club will be of great help for the students.